Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Very Malaysian

So there's this one evening, where Bubby and me decided to have dinner at Glen Waverly since we need to go there so that Daniel can come and pick us up.
(btw, Glen Waverly is a place in Melbourne. Daniel is bubby's cousin)

Anyway. We had our yummy malaysian food.
I ate 'yong tou foo' and bubby ate 'fish head noodles'
No pictures though. But they taste nice!

So we finished early and decided to walk around Glen Waverly and came across an asian grocery. We went in and discovered something.

I was SO surprised when I saw this.


I know right. Then I found something on the shelve above this.
It's Penang production. hahaha!

And we continued to walk and discover more Malaysian stuffs, so I just took some pictures. =D


100 plus.

You might be thinking what's so special about 100 plus?
People, you can't find 100 plus everywhere in Australia. And not ALL asian groceries have them.
And we found it!! hahaha!!

"我叫你试!!" LOL

This even have Bahasa Malaysia on it.
"Jimat 30 sen."
(which is only 10 cents in Australia by the way. hahaha!)

And a whole bunch of,
Hello Panda

Ayam Brand. haha!



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