Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I woke up early this morning! It's a beautiful day!

So I thought, I should totally go for my grocery shopping. (I ran out of food. aiks.)

This is how my snack cabinet look like before I went to shop.

And so, dressed up all pretty and off I go.

I went out around 9.30 a.m. No one's even awake when I walked out of my room. haha!

I really enjoyed the beautiful morning and my alone-ness and peaceful-ness.

Then, with my good mood, I bought A LOT of stuffs. omg.
I spent like, more than twice the amount I would normally spend on groceries. Oopsie!
I reached home around 11.30. Went grocery shopping for two hours. LOL..

This is how my snack cabinet looks like now.

I've still got more things in the fridge. Hope I can finish everything before I move out.

What a great morning to start my day! =)


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