Thursday, September 24, 2009



My next mission is my finals!

I was so afraid that I can't finish my assignment on time!
A thousand words are due on thursday, and on tuesday, I only have 300 words.

Prayed hard. God really did hear my prayer.
He makes miracle happen.

Thanks to my Bubby.. For listening to me when I called you and cried. For asking me not to cry! Hahaha..

Thanks to my friends.

Special thanks to Victor for his generosity. I really can't believe he let me have his copy of assignment!
(don't worry vic, I did not copy your assignment in any way!!!)

thanks to Yi Ping and Shawn for persuading me last minute to change my product to Nike!! Haha!

Thanks to Heng Luen for letting me know the guidelines that I can follow to complete.

Thanks to Angie for introducing the sandwich game for me to DISTRESS!!

Thanks to Eleena for talking to me when she's even busier than me with her two assignments. She's always the nice and sweet girl who makes me feel comfortable to be around with.

Thanks to Michelle! My BUDDY~~ For sitting next to me in the computer lab and finishing the citation together-gether with me, so that I won't feel so ALONE!!!


Thank GOD! For blessing me. For helping me. For allowing me to think, and have time to finish my assignment in time.

I love you!



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