Sunday, April 25, 2010


He called. Finally. I was excited when I first heard his voice over the phone. This was the first phone call from him after he left Malaysia. yeap.

But when I come to think of it, I wasn't really thrilled. he called, at the time when I was disappointed over what he did. Or should I say, didn't do.
I think the phone call didn't last for even a minute.
I was afraid that it would be too expensive, and I was out that time.
It seems like he didn't have much to talk to me, so, yea. It ended fast.

I guess long distance relationship won't do you anything good, especially when you can only quarrel through facebook messages or msn.

I tried to control. I tried to ignore.
But if you know me well, then you should know that I'm just not that kind of person who'll just keep quiet.

I guess, things will go better when time pass.
All I can do now, is just shut myself up, and wet my pillow.

I guess.


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