I realise, I only get a call from you when I'm angry
Does that mean I need to get angry more often?
I realise I only get a call from you when I cry
Does that mean I need to cry more often?
I realise I only get a call from you if I ask for it.
Does that mean that I wouldn't get a call from you if I didn't ask?
I wouldn't get a call from you if we talk on msn every night.
Does that mean I'll get a call from you if I don't on my msn at all?
Once only. We have really talked on the phone only once, since you left.
I worry, that, one day, I'll be used to your absence.
that, one day, I'll be immune to your absence.
that, one day, I'm used to the fact that, you won't be by my side anymore.
I care. I can't feel that you care.
It sucks.