Sunday, October 11, 2009

Foods that Fight Fats!

How cool is that! I just found it from Yahoo!.

-8 Foods that Fight Fat-

1. Almonds. They are high in alpha-linolenic acid (whatever it is). Apparently, they can accelerate your metabolism of fats! Which is very important.
Wenyi: Okay. Actually, I don't really like Almonds, and I usually eat them when I'm eating CHOCOLATE! How contradicting is that. Chocolate - Fattening, Almonds - Fight fats. It balance out right? Means not much outcome. Fine. NEXT!

2. Berries. Strawberries, Rasberries, Blueberries etc etc etc.. They are suppose to super-charge your workout, helping you to burn up to 30% of fats.
Wenyi: Strawberries, Yum. My favourite. WAIT. How often do I get to eat strawberries??? It's not like I'm living in Cameron. I eat strawberries when I eat birthday cakes. How often do I get to eat birthday cake with Strawberry top? Berries are suppose to help you to burn more fat when you work out. AWW MAN! How often do I workout out? GOSH, forget about it. NEXT!

3. Cinnamon. Adding 1/4 teaspoon to your plate may prevent an insulin spike—an uptick that tells your body to store fat. Cool.
Wenyi: Hm. Interesting. So you eat Cinnamon, and they are suppose to prevent your body from storing FATS. Yay. But, I don't have cinnamon at home. I might consider buying one now. How do I eat it? Oh, I can add it to my yummy Peanut-butter-Banana-Toast-Bread. yum yum yum. NEXT!

4. Mustard. Turmeric, the spice that gives mustard its color, may slow the growth of fat tissues.
Wenyi: I don't eat mustard THAT often too! I mean, come on, how many of you have mustards at home????? I don't. And it only SLOWS down the growth of fat tissues. Tsk Tsk Tsk. NEXT!

5. Oranges. This citrus fruit, which contains fat-blasting compounds known as flavones. Women who ate the most falvones records a much lower increase in body fat for over a period of 14 years.
Wenyi: I love oranges!! Believe it or not, I used to eat at least 2 oranges a day when I was back at Jalan Ipoh. Now I know why I'm growing fatter and fatter now I'm back in Puchong. Cuz I've stopped eating orange. Sigh. I shall go back to my orange-eating-habit once more. NEXT!

6. Soybeans. Soybeans are rich in choline, a compound that blocks the absorption of fat and breaks down fatty deposits.
Wenyi: How do you eat soybeans? As in soyBEANS? I drink Soya-bean though. It's soybean too, except that it's in liquid form, and added sugar. HAHAHA. And my own interpretation of getting slim by drinking Soya is -- You'll get sooo full after drinking a cup of soya and so you wouldn't want to eat anymore, thus, you'll slim down. Logic right? Haha. NEXT!

7. Sweet Potatoes. The colorful spuds' high-fiber content means they keep your insulin steadier than their white sisters, which means less fat packed on your hips, research finds.
Wenyi: Okay, actually, I don't really understand what is it trying to say. What's with their white sisters? But I do understand that less fat will be packed on my hips. :) I like sweet potatoe Tong Sui, I like fried sweet potatoes. Oops. Fried foods are fattening too. NEXT!

8. Swiss Cheese. Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown, and Swiss has more calcium than many of its cheesy peers.
Wenyi: What?? Cheese? and it has to be SWISS? hmm. I'm Asian. I can't go round trying to be like an ang mo and eat cheese everyday. I like cheese, but...... not having them very frequently.
btw, swiss cheese? how do they look like? XD

Conclusion, looks like I'm just gonna choose a few out of the 8 foods to fight my body fats!

The above information is taken from this website. Visit it for more detailed stuffs.

Please do try this at home. :)

Good Night.


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