Saturday, January 9, 2010

Stay Strong.

I am a very lucky Christian all these while as I have not faced any pressure from anywhere for being a Christian.
But for the first time, I felt the harshness and toughness of being a Christian.
No need further discussion for what had happened recently, but I would like to say what I learnt from the comments from articles and facebook.

I realised the difference of Christians. I was really amazed by the comments people left at facebook - the criticiser and the defender.
What happened yesterday, really, has only made the difference of Christians even more obvious.

Here are something they said that I like very much:

Luke 23:34
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing."

Amen! If we never suffer, how could we know salvation?

We were taught to LOVE our enemies.

"Pengganas adalah sahabat syaitan..Syaitan cuba untuk mengalahkan kekuasaan TUHAN ALLAH melalui manusia yang tidak berakal. Dan kepada kita penganut agama KRISTIAN yang mempercayai wujudnya kasih dalam persaudaraan, janganlah sesekali kita membalas balik kerana Tuhan pernah berfirman kepada Nabi Daud, AKU AKAN BERPERANG BAGIMU. Ini membuktikan kita sudah pun diselamatkan oleh ALLAH TUHAN kita dan berperang untuk kita.. KEMENANGAN pastinya akan berpihak pada KITA...HALLELUYAH!!!"
(wenyi: it sound so good even it's in Malay)

Should we all not be more understanding of each other? If someone needs to translate their holy book into English and wants to use the word God or Lord, they should be free to do so, not that English is "owned" by Christians. Likewise Bahasa Malaysia is not owned by Muslims.
(wenyi: Amen!)

I trust that God let this happen with a reason and I truly trust that we will win in this situation!
Stay strong my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!


* I still feel lucky for being a Christian. *


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