Saturday, April 17, 2010


I was watching Astro channel 314. If you've watched, you'll know that they always have this weather report before a show starts. They will always show the map of the country or place they're reporting, with the weathers on the side.

My little brother (he's just a 6 years old kid) was watching this channel with me, and it was time for the weather report. Everything was in chinese and my brother couldn't understand a single thing.

Here goes.

The weather reporting was showing, and they showed this map.

Of course, it was not exactly the same, and it has no country name on the map. Even if it had, it would be in chinese.

All of a sudden, my brother shouted:" That's Australia!"

I stared at him. Wow. He's good. But the island of Australia was easy to recognise because it has a shape of a kind. So it's okay.

Then, the TV showed this.

Of course again, not exactly the same. Doesn't have the names and not so colourful.

My brother shouted:"North America!"

WOW!! That's really impressive. I didn't know how does North America looks like, and he does.
Maybe it should be a common knowledge on how does the state of North America looks like (not so common for me), but come on! He's just SIX years old.

He's really good at these things I guess. There's three things now that he's better than me.
1. Name of dinosaurs
2. Name of animals

and now,
3. World map.

But anyhow, that's all he knows. Other than that, he's just so naughty that I need to shout at him every single day. XD

I'm impressed.

p/s: Maybe I shall blog about things that happen when he "taught" me on animals and dinosaurs name. haha. You might be impressed.


~L@NsLiYn~ said...

so pro!

Wenyi said...

he damn pro with dinosaurs. I'm not trying to praise him till so high. But it's a fact that I must admit. =.=

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