Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wear Mask People

With the virus spreading so scarily now days, I won't deny that I'm afraid I'll be one of them to get this virus. AH1N1 Influenza... Hmm..

There's one confirmed case of H1N1 in Monash!!! But, it's not in the Business Faculty. It's the Engineering ones I think. Still, that person walks around the campus, I SUPPOSE!
I might be sitting on the same table in the cafeteria where that person sat before


I might be using the same computer in the library that the person had touched before!

Okay, Maybe I sounded kiasu here, more like kiasi, I love my life people. Don't you? :)

Anyways, Prevention is better than cure!!

That's me, wearing a mask to Uni. *wink*

Everyone was like...

Victor:"Omg Wenyi, I can't recognize you with that mask on!"
Shawn: "What! Why are you wearing a mask? You look like a terrorist!"
Eleena - sign language: both hands put around the mouth area trying to make a square-ish kind of shape to indicate a"mask", I guess.

Yi Ping and Angie is good enough to not comment anything. Haha. Well Eleena didn't really comment as well la.. Haha.

p/s: I do NOT look like Eleena in that picture. :) For those who are curious on how she looks like, click on the link to see.

Oh wells...

1. Wash you hands often. As in, very often! Just go wash it every single chance you get.
2. Do not! DO NOT touch your eyes, nose, mouth with an un-washed hand.
3. Wear mask if you felt like it. ( Just like me today. I doubt I'll be wearing it tomorrow!)

That's what the Ministry of Health said. Just FOLLOW, people!




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